Thomas Lynn Burrows
Represented by Jeanie Loiacono
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Thomas Lynn Burrows is nothing but a farm boy blessed.
“My life has been amazing in that God has had His Hand on me from conception, of which I show proof. My birth date is the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. Better stated, the beginning of the transformation of the earth as prophesied. I’ve been on a 30-year journey guided by the Holy Spirit, as in the ET where the Reese’s Pieces were left for a trail. The Holy Spirit has left bits of information for me to follow. This book is that journey. Please read and make a commitment of faith to Christ and avid the Tribulation.”
Published by Christian Faith Publishing
Jesus speaks in parables; they are also riddles. You need the Holy Spirit’s guidance to be shown that riddle. Luke 8:17 says, “For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be made known and come abroad.” This will happen in Christ’s timing, this being on the cusp of these things occurring. Christ is making these riddles known. The scripture is a riddle, and I will show you that I have been chosen to show you the true meaning of the Olivet Discourse. Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, and Luke chapter 21–all the same story with a bit of twist. This book singles out Matthew chapter 24. Timothy LaHaye, with the Left Behind series, shows us the events after the Rapture. This book shows you that the Rapture is eminent or nigh. The truth was revealed with confirmation. Just as Thomas needed confirmation.
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