This month Maris Soule will be blogging every day (with the exception of Sundays). She has taken the A-to-Z Challenge. There are over 1000 authors who will try to have a blog using each letter of the alphabet (in order) posted on the appropriate day of the month. A for April 1st. B for April 2nd. And finally Z on April 30th.
Please stop by and see what her pick is to talk about for each of those days.
[email protected]
A KILLER PAST, published by Robert Hale LTD. US & Canada release June 2015
EAT CROW AND DIE, Five Star/Gale/Cengage to be released July 2015
Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency
A is for Another April 1, 2015
By Maris Soule | 1 April, 2015 | Blog Hops, Writing Ideas
I have accepted the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge. Every day in April (except Sundays) I will be posting a blog, starting with A today, April 1st, and ending with Z on April 30th. Other writers have accepted the challenge. I hope you’ll visit a few of those blogs, too. Now, for A. When … Continue reading →
Tune in each day for another alphabet blog all through the month of April.
B is for Borrowing April 2, 2015
By Maris Soule | 2 April, 2015 | Blog Hops, Writing Ideas
Today’s blog, to continue the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge, will be about borrowing: borrowing ideas, borrowing styles of writing, borrowing ways to describe a scene. Borrowing, not copying. Let’s face it, we all borrow. They say there are no new plots. (How many is debated.) Whatever we come up with has … Continue reading →
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