Character Study – Chopin’s “Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor” by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Character Study – Chopin’s “Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor”

hands on piano

“Now, where was I? Your education…Frederic Chopin.” Ulrich cleared his throat and poised his hands over the keys. “He was one of the world’s greatest composers. His life was short, but his influence great. “Nocturne in C-sharp Minor” was my Valerica’s favorite. Her life was also short. She said this piece took her to far off places. Close your eyes and see where it takes you.”

Valerica Dietrich - Framed  Ulrich Dietrich

Valerica and Ulrich

Framed Havah  Havah

From the first resounding chords a flood of emotion flowed through Havah like a river current. In a moment she was both callow child, alive with anticipation, and wizened matron, bone weary and full of years. Her mother’s voice lulled and comforted her with a song about raisins and almonds. She saw her father’s face, half illuminated by candle flame as he poured over volume after volume of Talmud. Arel approached from the shadows, tall and thin. His gray eyes devoured her. His tender lips kissed her.

Please Say Kaddish For Me

~~From Please Say Kaddish for Me

Frederic Chopin’s “Nocturne in C Sharp Minor” soothed Havah’s jangled nerves. The ivory keys were smooth and comforting under her fingertips. Although she would never be a pianist of Ulrich’s caliber she played well enough to entertain an audience of one. Closing her eyes, she relished a soft breeze carrying the scents of daffodil and hyacinth through the open window.

From Silt and Ashes

~~From From Silt and Ashes

  Framed Shayndel  Shayndel

Letting the strains of Chopin’s “Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor” waft over her, Shayndel sat in the rocking chair beside the piano with Tikvah asleep on her lap. While Shayndel did not know composers as well as her sister-in-law, she could always recognize this one. When Havah was sad or in pain this would be the piece she chose to play.

~~From As One Must, One Can

While not a person or an animal, a piece of classical music becomes something of a friend and companion to Havah. Chopin’s “Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor” comforts her when reality becomes too much to handle.

I fell in love with this piece and Chopin’s music when I saw the movie The Pianist. It’s haunting, ethereal beauty transports this author to other places so it seemed only natural it would do the same for Havah.

Unlike the author, Havah has latent musical talent that Ulrich is only too happy to nurture. While he tries to steer her to something simpler for a beginner, she is determined to learn how to play the nocturne.

I hope you’ll take the time to not only read my excerpts but also to enjoy the music.


Published by Argus Publishing 

Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency