Chuck Walsh book signing @ Joe’s Place Book Store and Wine Bar May 21st


On Saturday, May 21 from 2 – 4 PM, Joe’s Place Book Store and Wine Bar will be welcoming writer Chuck Walsh for a book signing! Chuck developed a passion for writing in 2004 after his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and he wanted to write something to show how much she meant to him. From that, A Passage Back was born—a tale about Chase Watson, who has an accident after the death of his mother, sending him back in time to when he was a boy. From there the writing bug had Chuck in its grasp! He has written A Month of Tomorrows, A Passage Back (Vinspire Publishing), Shadows on Iron Mountain, Backwoods Justice (Champagne Book Group), and A Splintered Dream (Argus Publishing). Chuck Walsh

Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency

Joe’s Place Book Store and Wine Bar

640 S Main St Suite 101B

Greenville, SC 29601

(864) 558-0828