Wally Avett’s historical, southern fiction Rebel Bushwhacker is now available on selected sites, full release schedule for March 11th!

Wally Avett’s historical, southern fiction Rebel Bushwhacker is now available on selected sites, full release schedule for March 11th! Published by Argus Enterprises International  Amazon  B&N    Shelfari


Authentically drawn from the sparse written accounts and oral history of the Southern Smokies where Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina meet, the story of Hattie June Rose holds your undivided attention and your heart strings from the first sentence to the last word.

Rebel Bushwhacker is based on true local incidents during the War Between the States. It takes place in the rugged Southern Appalachians where a classic “civil war” raged between Rebel partisans and Union loyalists.

Hattie June Rose finds herself in desperate times as she loses her innocence and her baby along the way, and is forced at a tender age to bury both her father and her brother. She trades sex and her native intelligence to the most notorious bushwhacker of them all, the “red-headed butcher,” Big Tobe Kirkwood, for his help in tracking down the Yankees who killed her father. Together, with his gang of Rebel Bushwhackers, they wreak havoc on Yankees and their supporters…until the day she decides to stop Tobe for good.

Wally's new hat

Wally Avett is a semi-retired realtor in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina.  He lives in the same little town, sometimes compared to Mayberry, where he was editor and chief writer all though the 70’s for the weekly newspaper. His first two novels Caney Fork (2013) and Last Bigfoot in Dixie (2014) are published by BelleBooks. Coosa Flyer, the story of ‘Professor’ Dyer of North Georgia who invented the first aircraft before the Wright Bros., will be released later this year by Argus Enterprises International  www.wallyavett.com

Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com