14 Profound Books About Finding Yourself #5 Searching for God in the Garbage by Bracha Goetz Bracha Goetz, Author of 38 books to help children’s souls shine: and the candid memoir for adults, Searching for God in the Garbage
“Find yourself”, “finding yourself”, “F-I-N-D Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F”. A phrase that one often hears being thrown around a lot, but what does it mean? Many people go through life not knowing who they really are. Just following whatever path parents, teachers, the media and society, in general, has prescribed to them as the right path. Which many don’t find even remotely fulfilling.
Finding yourself means to take the time to actually experience life outside these prescribed paths. To seek out experiences in the real world that you wouldn’t normally participate in with the goal that you actually learn what resonates with you. To discover something you might develop a passion for that brings you true fulfillment as an individual. It might be tricky to figure out where to start finding yourself, these books provide insight on how to begin the process.