22 Year Olds Got To Read These 20 Awesome Books

22 Year Olds Got To Read These 20 Awesome Books

Reading for those two decades plus two old.

#2 Searching for God in the Garbage by Bracha Goetz

Why would a 22-year-old woman who was a successful and popular Harvard grad be desperately searching for meaning in life? Searching for God in the Garbage is a unique and candid coming-of-age memoir about filling inner emptiness in a joyful and spiritual way.

When reaching the second decade of your life you are gonna get hit with a situation and daunting questions that never in your whole life you would have thought you’ll have to deal or you were even aware of their existence.

While this might be a disorienting time for those going through it, it is also a time of untold potential for them given that they’re supplied with the right tools to develop themselves into something greater.

One of the areas they’ll certainly need to develop is in the mind, and the best tool to do so are books full of relatable stories to inspire and expand the thought of its readers. Grow up and develop into something greater, take a read at the best books 22-year-olds can read right now.