Put these dates on your calendar! Johnnie Bernhard events!

Bernhard photo curteosy of Judi Altman

 Johnnie Bernhard Events

Houston Writers Guild, Mini-Conference, March 19, 2016, McGovern-Stella Link Community Center at 7405 Stella Link, Houston, TX 77025, CONFIRMED. – I will do a break-out session and hear pitches.  www.houstonwritersguild.org 

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Johnnie will be part of the leadership team, presenting at Cursillo #261 as part of the Cursillo Movement of South Mississippi, April 9-12, 2016.  It is a member of The National and International Cursillo Movement. The Cursillo Movement in the United States was organized on a national basis in 1965. A National Secretariat was formed and the National Cursillo Office (currently in Jarrell, Texas) was established. Today, Cursillo is a worldwide movement with centers in nearly all South and Central American countries, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Austria, Australia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and in several African countries. In 1980, the Cursillo Movement established a worldwide international office, the OMCC (Organismo Mundial de Cursillos de Cristiandad). The international office is located in Portugal for the 2014-2017 term.[1]In the Cursillo movement, being “in colors” is to be in God’s grace. For that reason, Cursillo participants (cursillistas) greet each other with the phrase “De Colores” (in Colors).

Atlanta Writers Club, Atlanta Writers Conference, May 6 – 7, 2016 at the Westin Atlanta Airport Hotel.  I will be reviewing manuscripts and hearing pitches. www.atlantawritersclub.org

Mississippi Book Festival, A Literary Lawn Party at the State Capitol, Jackson, MS, August 20, 2016, TENTATIVE – www.eventful.com/jackson/events/mississippi-book-festival-/E0-001-084406687-4

Faulkner Society, Faulkner Wisdom Literary Event, Words & Music Conference, New Orleans, October 29-31, 2016, TENTATIVE – Lunch on December 9, 2015 with Rosemary James, co-founder of the Pirate Alley Faulkner Society of New Orleans. www.wordsandmusic.org/

Johnnie Bernhard, Agent

Loiacono Literary Agency, LLC

448 Lacebark Dr. Irving, Texas  75063


808-227-0682, cell

[email protected]
