Johnnie Bernhard to speak at Prepare to Present Yourself to Agents and Publishers Workshop

Johnnie Bernhard to speak at

Prepare to Present Yourself to Agents and Publishers Workshop

Bernhard photo curteosy of Judi Altman

When:  March 19, 2016

Where:  McGovern-Stella Link Community Center at 7405 Stella Link, Houston, TX 77025

12:30 pm – 2:45 pm – Johnnie Bernhard, Agent with Loiacono Literary Agency Presents:  Query Letters and Working with an Agent

Goals of the afternoon presentation:

  1. Participant understands the relationship between literary agent and writer.
  2. Participant understands the difference between a query letter and a synopsis.
  3. Participant understands the importance of professionalism.
  4. Participant understands the value of editing, beta readers, and critique groups.
    Fee:  $45 Members – $55 Nonmembers