102 Volunteers refurbishing an LCS-102 on Mare Island

102 Volunteers refurbishing an LCS-102

A Visit to WWII Naval Ship LCS-102

Here is what your 102 volunteers are doing at Mare Island.


Oscar Russell, one of the contributors in Forgotten Heroes of WWII (release date November 2014, Taylor Trade) The Amphib Sailor, served aboard an LCS-102 during WWII. You can only imagine what it was really like working, living, sleeping and fighting in open waters on such a craft. 72 men were stationed on board at any given deployment. If you ever saw In Harm’s Way or Midway, they collaborated with the US Navy and used many of the original ships. You get a sense of what it must have been like. He also was aboard an LCT (A) (pictured below) during the Normandy invasion. This craft carried two tanks which ran off ramps onto the beach. One had a bulldozer front for clearing booby traps, making it safe for troops to cross the sand. You will have to get Forgotten Heroes and read the whole story. Russell served on two fronts: European and Pacific; a rare event. I admire him and all those who serve(d) greatly.