If you are driving the speed limit, there is no fear of a ticket.
Obama did this? He should have been impeached.
It is an atrocity to burn the American flag. It stands for the country we live in and love; that some, me being one, served to protect– military and law enforcement. You should stand up at attention and salute it or put your hand on your heart. So many have died and continue to die so you in the publishing world can sling venom then go home and sleep safe and secure. There would be no ‘freedom of speech’ without a “United States of America, for which we stand UNDER GOD, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” It is not a right nor freedom of speech to destroy property, hurt innocent people, or be rude and disrespectful to President Trump.
Leave this country and see what you have to protect you, a United States Passport, which gives you ‘rights’ as a US Citizen. Most of you reading this have been abroad and had to come back through customs. How did it feel to have your passport scanned and stamped, then walk FREELY through to go home to your two-car garages, protected by our military and police, whom you now spit on with your words, hiding behind ‘freedom of speech’?
If you are driving the speed limit, there is no fear of a ticket. If you are in or coming to the USA legally with nothing nefarious to hide, there is NO FEAR. Only someone who is doing wrong should fear the law. Others should respect it. Respect and uphold God’s laws and the laws of the United States of America! All the celebrities and protesters should let illegals and refugees live with them, in their homes, with their children; feed them, clothe them, give them their beds, transportation, help get their green cards, and be here legally. AND IF they are not who they say they are and rape your wife, stab your husband, molest your children, steal your car and run over a crowd of people or use it to blow up a building, and then laugh at what is left of your family, you will SCREAM for President Trump to do something. Well, he has already seen this happen and is doing something NOW. God bless President Trump and all those who love and support him.
I do not think President Trump has the time to read some of the smut novels that are being published today. The man barely has time to sleep. As a literary agent, I see what is being accepted; immoral, hedonistic fodder. Why would he waste his time with that when he has to protect this country; not from Muslims, Christians, or any other religion, but from evil criminals hiding behind those monikers, blowing up innocents and pitting nations against nations. They do not care who gets hurt as long as they get their 15 minutes of fame and are brought up time and again for killing however many by the media. The more destruction, the more famous they are.
Trump stands for TRUTH, which the media seems to know nothing of. I bet Walter Cronkite is disgusted with it all, watching from Heaven, right alongside the founding fathers, shaking their heads, saying, “They know not what they do,” just as Jesus said to the Pharisees.
President Trump is finally doing what needs to be done. We must support him. We must unite as Americans, build the wall, vett all incoming, and “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
Building a wall is not wrong. Do you lock your car, your house? Do you have a security system? Would you leave it all open and allow anyone to use it? NO. Why would we do that with our country? We founded this country on our freedoms, but to keep them we have to protect them. To protect them, we have to have a strong military and borders. To have that security, we must have a wall to the south and even north eventually, and those coming in this country must be checked thoroughly. If you are concerned with the veterinarian you use for your pet, the boy your daughter dates, the person who washes your car, the doctors who treat you, then you should be CONCERNED with the terrorists coming into this country; some of which may pose as your innocent neighbor. They do not have to have dark hair and eyes nor come from one of the five countries under scrutiny. You are all smart people. Use your common sense. President Trump would never do anything to harm us, for if he did, he would be harming himself and his family. No good father would do that to their child, nor would he do that to this country.
No one is holding you here as a hostage. Anyone can leave anytime. And if you decide to actually do what some celebrities have threatened to do but have not, which is leave, I would ask you to destroy your US Passport. Why come back when you hate the US so much? That is my ‘freedom of speech.’