Permian Basin Writers’ Conference

Just got back from a most delightful and fruitful time at the Permian Basin Writers’ Conference. Fantastic writers, presenters, and exceptional hosts. I may be taking on a short story collection, two historical fictions, and a memoir. Outstanding writing!

Lights, Camera, Learn!

On the 4th Sunday of each month there is a year-long series of monthly seminars/workshops on the special magic of making movies. Contact Dr. Tom Parks [email protected]

The Permain Basin Bookies will be hosing another manuscript contest in 2018. The contest will take place in the summer, and details can be found in the spring @

Boom or Bust Writing Workshops and Book Clubs @ [email protected]

Lubbock Book Festival 2017 October 28, 2017 @ LHUCA 511 Ave. K, Lubbock, Texas

Permian Basin Writers’ Workshop – Faith-based Writing, Sunday, September 17 — TOMORROW — 9-5 @ Midland College