Loiacono Literary Agency takes on Thomas Lynn Burrows Olivet Discourse Decoded

Loiacono Literary Agency takes on Thomas Lynn Burrows’ Olivet Discourse Decoded

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With every tick of the clock we are closer to the End of Times. Traditions of men make void the Word of God (Mark 7:13). There are those who have chosen the Dark Side and whose goal is to distort, twist, and mock what is true and good, and force what is defiled and deadly upon us all. Here lies the challenge of decoding the parables of Jesus. He spoke on this level so the people of His time could understand, but not all could or would. Only those who had eyes to see and ears to hear; those whose minds and hearts were open and ready to accept it. Then He was crucified.

In 1950 a chain of events began with the birth of Thomas Lynn Burrows that was not noticed until decades later when Father wiped the scales from his eyes and showed him, setting Tom on a mission to writing Olivet Discourse Decoded. Father knew him before he was born; saved him from calamities and accidents many times; given and taken; hardships and elation that brought him to this moment in time for us. Not to warn us, but to enlighten; to explain; to help you understand truly what Jesus Saves means and what to expect. Matthew 24: 36 “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,[a] but the Father only…” The puzzle pieces are all coming together. Tom is showing us through patterns, Biblical Mathmatics by Dr. Ed F. Vallowe, experiences, and most important what the Scriptures tell us. The facts.

Published by Christian Faith Publishing Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency/Thomas Lynn Burrows

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