From U.S. to U.K., Maris Soule’s Killer Nashville
Claymore Award Success Story
Click here: Maris Soule’s Success Story
Maris Soule, who was a Killer Nashville Claymore Award finalist, believes she’s come a long way in her process and has since ventured into mysteries with “The Crows” and “As the Crow Flies”, novels in her PJ Benson series.
“What an exciting moment when I received the phone call that “A Killer Past” was one of the top ten finalists,” Maris said. “Alas, my entry didn’t win, but having that award helped in my search for an agent to represent the story. Within three months of signing a contract with the Loiacono Literary Agency, they found a home for the book with Robert Hale Ltd.”
Now, “A Killer Past” is not only being distributed in the US and Canada, but released as a hardcover in the UK and as an e-book.
Read Soule’s full success story or read other Killer Nashville success stories. You can also visit Maris Soule’s website. She will be attending the Killer Nashville Writers’ Conference in 2015 to share her journey and how Killer Nashville played a role.
Who enters the Killer Nashville Claymore Award?
- New Unpublished Authors
- New York Times Bestselling Authors Seeking a Kickstart
- Published Authors Reinventing Their Careers
2015 Claymore Award Deadline: April 30, 2015
More Information About the Killer Nashville Claymore Award
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