Words from Pep Dig Your Well

Words from Pep

Dig Your Well


It is the end of April. Abnormally hot for this time of year. A flash and a few seconds later the ground shook. Thunder reverberated from across the river signaling the sky meant business. I stepped out from under the porch roof lifting my open mouth to gray sky as it collapsed. A riot of coolness fell onto my tongue bringing my senses alive. Convection, the mother of this storm, had raised a cloud equal to Everest. Millions of tons of moisture descended, the accumulation of drops beyond number. No two the same. Each condensed around a unique micro center of dust. Trillions of liquid galaxies. The alleluias of lilies, the praise of bending grass, the ahh of young leaves and sparkling eyes of feathered friends joined the crashing din in worship. Three Golden Eye, on their migration north, slid to a landing on the dimpled surface of the river and stretched their necks heavenward. With wild flapping wings they applauded the faithfulness of Creator. . . . Thankfulness is a peculiar state of being. It rises and falls in inverse proportion to lack or abundance. I have wondered often about the reason, the point of life on this plane of existence, its amazing joys and seemingly profound excess of sadness. It is easy to turn one’s face to the sky in thankfulness when cool blessings descend and certainly too much to be expected when darkness, bewilderment and despair surround. Yet, through decades of musing, I have learned that a cultivation of gratitude can become the underpinning of life, an artesian well from which hope flows. . . . . I stood there in the downpour, a joyous fool lost in that moment of life, filled with a holy carelessness, happy in celebration with all my relations. www.theteacherwithin.com