Loiacono Literary Agency takes on Michael O’Connell’s pop-culture, nonfiction The 365 Greatest Movies Ever Made and the Days You Should Watch Them

Loiacono Literary Agency takes on Michael O’Connell’s pop-culture, nonfiction The 365 Greatest Movies Ever Made and the Days You Should Watch Them, a narrative describing just that: a list of 365 movie summaries and the accompanying days they should be watched.


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A book for movie lovers, historians, trivia buffs, list makers, and puzzle solvers; an enjoyable read for anyone who appreciates movies and a new way to categorize and watch more of them. Critic and historian Michael O’Connell names the most entertaining films of the past eighty years, assigning each a day to be watched and explaining why based on the season, holiday, or day of the week. The movies described and listed here are those that should be watched every day of 2016 (due to the calendar). But with an endless supply, there could be a book for many years to come.

O’Connell has procured agreements for photos and playbills associated with some of the movies, enhancing the overall depth for each day. He is able to provide all documentation upon request.

O’Connell is the author of The Other Side of the Coin (Brundage Publishing, 2007), a free-market response to Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed (Picador, 2011). O’Connell was editor of the Binghamton Vanguard newspaper from 2004-2009 and currently teaches at Westwood College in Arlington, Virginia. His many articles and lectures touch on politics, music, movies, and pop culture. www.mikeoconnelljr.com Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency https://loiaconoliteraryagency.com/authors/michael-oconnell