Fadi, Amanda and Elise Matti have welcomed Elaina Reese Matti into God’s beautiful world.

Fadi, Amanda and Elise Matti have welcomed Elaina Reese Matti into God’s beautiful world. Born 10/27/14 @ 10:02am, she weighed in at 6lbs 9oz.

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Amanda and Elise                                                  Big sister showing off Elaina




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Amanda is the author of A Foreign Affair, the true story of governmental bureaucracies, mismanagement and mishandling of agencies, terrorism, torture and, most importantly, how love does conquer all. www.AmandaMatti.com Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com  Published by Deer Hawk Publications www.deerhawkpublications.com Tentative release, June 2016.

For the Mattis, there is a happily-ever-after…