We have been waiting impatiently for the new Designated Survivor, but was HIGHLY disappointed with the content and the FOUL language. Every other word is profanity (F bomb, GD, event Penny says Sh-tty and is not reprimanded other than her mom would have washed her mouth out with soap.) The worst is the graphic sodomy homosexual act between the two black men(?). To see two men kissing is disgusting, but to see them pounding each other has stuck in my brain so that I have to constantly pray it away. Keifer, I thought you had better taste. You don’t have to show sex, only imply. You can have a conversation without cursing. When you have to put profanity in a conversation shows the lack of intellect of both parties – one who is saying it and the other who is accepting it. I voted not to watch the show anymore. Clean it up and let the public know you have and I may tune back in.