Ginny Fite’s sequel to Cromwell’s Folly in the Sam Lagarde Mystery Series, No Good Deed Left Undone HAS BEEN RELEASED!

Ginny Fite’s sequel to Cromwell’s Folly in the Sam Lagarde Mystery Series, No Good Deed Left Undone HAS BEEN RELEASED!

no-good-deed-left-undone fite cromwells-folly-cover

When Grant Wodehouse went to the barn that fine morning, he had no idea what good, bad, or ugly would take place—saddle a couple of horses, a little S&M with his neighbor, and a pitchfork through his chest, pinning him to the wall, is what.

Who would not want him dead? Having bedded every female he’d ever laid eyes on, swindled anyone he had ever had business dealings with, and ignored and ostracized his children, one person said it was time to meet his maker…but who?


The second in the Sam Lagarde Mystery Series leads us on another blood trail with twists and turns never anticipated.

Ginny Fite is an award-winning journalist who has covered crime, politics, government, healthcare, art, and all things human. She has been a spokesperson for a governor, member of Congress, a few colleges and universities, and a robotics R&D company. She has degrees from Rutgers University and Johns Hopkins University and studied at the School for Women Healers and the Maryland Poetry Therapy Institute. She is the author of I Should Be Dead by Now, a collection of humorous lamentations about aging, three books of poetry, The Last Thousand Years, The Pearl Fisher, Throwing Caution, and a short story collection, What Goes AroundCromwell’s Folly is the first novel in the Sam Lagarde mystery series. The third, No End of Bad, is in review and expected out next year. She resides in Harpers Ferry, WV. Published by  Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency

Readings & Signings for Ginny Fite:

Four Seasons Books, Oct. 2, 2 p.m.

116 W. German Street, Shepherdstown, WV

Free and open to the public


100 Thousand Poets for Change, Sept. 24, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

The Timber Frame Folly, 301 Big Oak Drive, Shepherdstown, WV

Free and open to the public


Charles Town Library, Oct. 13, 5 p.m.

Washington St. Charles Town, WV

Free and open to the public


St. Andrews Mountain Community Center Library, Oct. 15, 11 a.m.

58 Mission Road, Harpers Ferry


The Christmas Marketplace, Nov. 26, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

100 Washington St. Charles Town, WV

Free and open to the public