I believe God wants you to know that you need to read more. No, really. You need to read more. There’s a book right now waiting to be read by you.

I believe God wants you to know that you need to read more. No, really. You need to read more. There’s a book right now waiting to be read by you.

Do you think this book has come into your awareness by accident? It has been placed before you by your Consciousness. Go get it. Read it. Make margin notes. Do it now.

Sometimes Life jumps out at you with its message, fairly screaming at you: get this.  This is one of those times. I’m telling you, there’s a book you’ve been scheduled to read right now. Don’t ignore the schedule.
It’s Divine Intervention. www.CWGPortal.com

I am reading two pages every morning of What God Said by Neal Donald Walsch. Gives good chee. J If you have not read Conversations with God, Friendship with God or signed-up for this free daily good chee, do it!
