Joyce Zeller’s novel of afterlife vengeance, The Haunting of Aaron House, has been acquired by Rogue Phoenix Press!
Last week was big news with the acquisition of Love in a Small Town by Rogue Phoenix Press, but this morning, Christine Young, publisher at RPP, said she fell head-over-heels for The Haunting of Aaron House, set in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a place where ghosts, witchcraft and the paranormal are part of the local culture.
Paul and Samantha Barlow have rented a house in Lancaster while his company is filming a documentary on the history of the town. Little do they know that the former owners, Phineas and Amalie, still live there, even though they have been dead for over 150 years.
Samantha has been able to see and hear things since she was a child. Phineas and Amalie know this and are battling for their stronghold on her to finally cast out the loser and gain supreme power.
Although a story of haints and revenge, it is also one of strong family bonds and true, unconditional love accepted and embraced.
Loiacono Literary Agency is proud to say we have placed every submitted book by Joyce Zeller with a traditional publisher: Maddie’s Choice (Coffeetown Press, 2013), Love in a Small Town and The Haunting of Aaron House (Rogue Phoenix Press, 2015). We are looking forward to more quality works in the future! Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency