* No Spoilers * BONDLIST 

* No Spoilers * BONDLIST

NO TIME TO DIE (no movie spoilers in this note!) features extensive IMAX footage. See NTTD at a true IMAX-sized theatre to get up to 40% more picture/background on screen!

Many of us BONDLIST’ers have hotel rooms now to see NTTD together on a GIANT IMAX screen in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, April 11. We’ll also dine together and visit Aston Martin Orlando and Omega Orlando. Write to join us!

For October, we have more than 45 James Bond fans signed to sail on FanCruise5! Join us for all-new Bond games and trivia, seminars and podcasts at sea, dozens of locations from a dozen Bond books and films ashore, and much more aboard the largest Bond fan cruise ever held. Make lifelong friends and swap collectibles and war stories . . .

I recommend NOBODY DOES IT BETTER: THE COMPLETE, UNCENSORED, UNAUTHORIZED ORAL HISTORY OF JAMES BOND by Mark Altman and Edward Gross. It’s a compendium of fascinating quotes and comments on Bond in film (full disclosure: my quotes appear in this book).

Altman and Gross did a lot of research and many in-depth interviews to build this extraordinary volume. The hardcover is available now at Amazon for a bargain price, since it weighs in at over 700 pages! You could randomly turn to any page of this book and get immersed.

Our fellow BONDLIST’er Dr. John Flynn is celebrating another audio spy book! EVERYTHING I KNOW ABOUT LIFE I LEARNED FROM JAMES BOND, co-written with Bob Blackwood, is a look at all in the world of 007 that makes life fun and meaningful in the modern age, and EVERYTHING is available now at Amazon and on iTunes! Congratulations, John!


The upcoming SAMLA conference features an intriguing new Bond topic and ARTISTIC LICENCE RENEWED has this feature story. Join us this November for in-person presentations on Fleming, the continuation authors and all of the Bond films.

And not less than five SAMLA panelists are cruising with us in October, with expert information for you on the Bond phenomenon. Be there, but only if you love food, the Caribbean, New Orleans and 007!

Best, Matt Sherman 007

Bacon 3 – Connery 1 – YM 0