Overcoming Food Addictions, Joyfully with Bracha Goetz

Overcoming Food Addictions, Joyfully with Bracha Goetz

Bracha Goetz shares that while being a Harvard graduate and also going to Medical School, her addiction with food was not only a secret, but was destroying her life and purpose. After years of struggle and hitting the lowest point in her life, she found hope, healing, and specific tools to implement to bring herself out of this pit that she refers to as the darkness of her soul. Her triumphant story can be further found in her personal memoir, where she candidly shares the pain, the darkness, and her eventual victory over her addiction. Reach out to Bracha, you will love her and be inspired! Bracha Goetz is the Harvard-educated author of 40 books that help children’s souls shine and a candid memoir for adults about overcoming food addictions joyfully: www.goetzbookshop.com