This past weekend I spoke at the Red Sneaker Writer’s Conference in Oklahoma City. What a plethora of writers and manuscripts! I was so very impressed with each person who pitched their manuscript to me. Those who had completed works, I encouraged to submit per the LLA Submission Guidelines (lots of helpful information there), and those who were wanting to know if their topic was sellable, I suggested they get r done! Whatever God has put in your heart to write, just do it! Attend writer’s conferences, take continuing education writing classes, become a member of a critique group, research the people, places, and things you are writing about, and READ, READ, READ as much as you can of the outstanding authors within your genre! In doing so, you are honing your craft.
Myriad Botanical Gardens\
Jeanie and Barbara – Renaissance Hotel
I want to thank Oklahoma City (gorgeous park next to the hotel and for the admirable monument erected for the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building) and the Renaissance Hotel (especially Thomas) for such wonderful hospitality. Big kudos to Wendell Patterson for a lovely dinner (hope to do that Whimsey book with you), Rusty Williams (great narrative fiction session!), TC Miller, BJ Austin (We must work together. You are awesome!), Barbara (Thanks for the tour of the Myriad Botanical Gardens. You are precious!), Don Maass (Hope Romans 8:24 “For in this hope we were saved; but hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he can already see?” Hope we can create an agent’s conference!), and last but not least, William and Lara Berhhardt. Hope to see all of you next year, but your manuscripts right away! Bless you all!
~~ Jeanie Loiacono, President Loiacono Literary Agency