Words from Pep
Consider the Raven
For three nights he had been my escort in the dreamtime. I follow him in soundless flight, take in his raven eye view, merge with his thoughts, dark thoughts, probing, revealing the ways and whys of human behavior . . . . . “You pride yourself in your self-consciousness yet you are unconscious of all but yourself. Your kind is alienated from your home and the voice of creation echoing the divine is silent. In separating yourself from intimacy with the grandeur and mystery of the greater world you diminish meaning within your inner world. Return to the scriptures of creation, know our common origin and destiny, feel the warm life giving care and embrace of our loving Creator and be at rest.” . . . . . For three nights in the dark I awoke, sat on the edge of my bed and wondered at the words of my escort. We are not separate from creation but an integral part of the universe. The pathology of our culture’s materialism feeds the virus of greed, destroys creation and strangles the spiritual leaving us without meaning . . . . . There, in the early morning, he sat alone. There, on the corner post of the garden he watched, surveying horizon and field. He was larger than most, clearly aged. He held himself with dignity crafting an aura of wisdom. Seesawing over the fulcrum of his legs he cawed and waited. As I stepped outside onto the porch he fixed his black raven eye to mine and would not let go. Only the gentle toss of a stone separated us and in that space between his eye and mine came these words of old, “Consider the raven. They do not sow or reap or hoard things away, and yet God gives them plenty of what they need. Are not you as important in His eyes?” . . . With that he sprang upward and the rush of air from his wings was felt on my face. He banked between White Pine and Birch, let his caw be heard and was gone. He is no longer my escort in the dreamtime yet those words of the Wise One from long ago are forever imprinted in my heart. Since that day I am at rest.