Barnes & Noble Booksellers Eastern Shore Center welcomes Jodie Cain Smith, author of The Woods at Barlow Bend, as part of B-Fest 2016!

Barnes & Noble Booksellers Eastern Shore Center welcomes Jodie Cain Smith, author of The Woods at Barlow Bend, as part of B-Fest 2016!

Book-Cover-200x300 Jodie Cain Smith

June 12 @ 2PM Creative Writing Workshop

Book Signing 3-5PM

Barnes & Noble Booksellers

30500 AL-181 #414

Spanish Fort, AL 36527

On Sunday, June 12, 2:00PM, Barnes & Noble invites you to B-Creative! Jodie Cain Smith, author of The Woods at Barlow Bend, will teach “A Very Good Place to Start,” which invites students to learn nine questions that will help develop central characters, conflict, and setting in fiction writing. Based on Uta Hagen’s Nine Questions, an acting technique, this interactive workshop will help any level writer move beyond the dreaded blank screen and into character, world, and conflict development. Book signing to follow workshop, 3-5 PM.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Herboso, Community Business Development Manager, Barnes & Noble Booksellers, at [email protected].