Outstanding review for Heaven Enough by Ken La Salle


By Sharon L. Hulbert

Heaven Enough takes you on a thought provoking journey. Do we love enough, why do we make the choices we make and is there more or did we just settle into our life? Both engaging and entertaining Heaven Enough was the perfect book to curl up with on a rainy day. Just remember to have tissues handy.


Life and other issues of the day: http://twolivesonepath.blogspot.com/

On writing and being a writer:  http://kenlasalle.blogspot.com/

MY SIDE. THE BLOG: http://mysidetheblog.blogspot.com/

And for insights on pursuing your dreams, check out his monthly blog at http://www.recoveringself.com/category/ken-la-salle


Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com

Published by Limitless Publishing www.limitlesspublishing.net