Three chances to either meet or gain wisdom from Kathryn Brown Ramsperger, author of the newly released The Shores of Our Souls!


Sunday, August 13, 2017, 10 a.m. – 12 noon — Book Signing at Arts & Decor — 1918 Long Beach Blvd, Surf City, New Jersey 08008 –


October 7, 2017, 2 p.m. — Long Beach Island (NJ) Public Library — “The Shores of Our Souls, the debut novel by author Kathryn Ramsperger, tells the story of two people from two cultures with one love and a world of conflict.  Most of the novel was written here on LBI, and the author will talk about the process of writing, and her journey to a small publisher.” –


Wednesday evenings, October 11 – 25, 2017, Time Coming Soon — ONLINE COURSE, sponsored by the Bethesda (MD) Writer’s Center. You do not have to be in the area to register. “Navigating the Publishing World,” 3 nights, 2 hours each night. Participants will acquire a basic understanding of the publishing world today and get feedback on their queries. $135.00 — To register: