“A Story to Tell” by Johnnie Bernhard

“A Story to Tell” by Johnnie Bernhard

bernhard-photo-by-judi-altman Good Girl Cover

As an author, I meet writers in various stages of their craft. Some have been traditionally published, some are self-published, and others are struggling to complete the first manuscript. The one thing these writers have in common is the desire to tell their story. This is essential to success. It must be this intense desire, causing writers to spend hours in isolation, composing their story, that moves them from writer to published author. It is a desire that is not tampered by critics or self-doubt. Ask someone why they write, and the true artist will answer, “I’ve got this story inside me that I have to tell.” It’s my pleasure as an agent to help writers tell their story. As an author, there is nothing comparable to taking the story that has lived so long within me and putting it in words. Money has absolutely nothing to do with it. If you’re lucky, it comes as a reward for your efforts. What you really want to know is that you’ve made someone feel or think with the power of your words. http://www.johnniebernhardauthor.com/blog/community-of-writers