Forgotten Heroes of World War II: Personal Accounts of Ordinary Soldiers Land, Sea and Air by Thomas E. Simmons Military Writers Society of America Gold Medal Winner!

Forgotten Heroes of World War II: Personal Accounts of Ordinary Soldiers Land, Sea and Air

Water For The Wounded

Published by Taylor Trade/Rowman and Littlefield Publishing

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Forgotten Heroes Reviews   MWSA Dispatches Magazine Winter 2017


Military Writers Society of American Gold Medal winner 2016

This is a ‘must have’ book. Available everywhere books are sold.

Forgotten heroes, they truly are. Men of honor, integrity, and perseverance, love of God, country, and family who fought on many fronts and survived to tell their stories – stories of horrors seen which live on forever in their minds and hearts. These veterans are slowly “crossing to the other side” to be greeted by those who have long been there – welcomed with open arms. Men and women you share combat and service time with, you never forget, especially those you see take their last breath. These are the personal accounts that will live with you till the end of time.

Simmons Bell O'Keefe Russell Author, Thomas E. Simmons and the last three remaining contributors to Forgotten Heroes of World War II: Personal Accounts of Ordinary Soldiers Land, Sea and Air

Harry Bell – “Present and Accounted For,” story #9 fought the Battle of the Bulge.  He was taken prisoner by the Germans and marched 60 miles without food in freezing weather to a rail junction. Men who fell out were shot.  When he was liberated by U. S. troops he weighed just 90 pounds, but had nursed his prison squad through the ordeal making sure meager rations were shared and blankets loaned to the sick.  Too weak to walk, Harry crawled out to the U.S. tank commander who knocked down the prison gate, was helped to his feet, saluted and proudly reported his entire prison squad, “All present and accounted for.”

Jerry O’Keefe – “A Long Way to Okinawa,” story #15 wanted to fly fighters. He enlisted in the Marines, was finally accepted for flight training only to be assigned to transports.  Risking courts-martial, he used every trick in the book to finally get assigned to fighters, first to Wild Cats for training and then worked his way into a new Corsair squadron.  He was sent to the Pacific in time to participate in the invasion of Okinawa. Nothing was easy on the long path to become a fighter pilot.  Jerry proved his worth becoming a Marine Fighter Ace.

Oscar Russell – “The Amphib Sailor,” story #7 was one of the very few who served in both the landings on D-day at Omaha Beach, Normandy, France and then in the Pacific for support of landings on Okinawa and anti-Kamikaze picket duty.