The Shores of Our Souls by Kathryn Brown Ramsperger – TOMORROW!!!

Hello, Friends & Fellow Book Lovers!
The Shores of Our Souls LAUNCHES on August 1, 2017! Finally! Yay! That’sTOMORROW! What does that mean to you?
  1. Thanks to those of you who pre-ordered! You will be able to access your ebook onAugust 1!
  2. Thanks to those of you pre-ordered the print version! It’s worth it! My designer Estella Vikovic (who’s from Australia and Croatia) did an amazing job with it. You’ll enjoy seeing it up close and personal! It will be shipped to you on August 1.
  3. If you’d like me to sign it for you, I’m honored. I have ordered bookplates that I can sign for you and send free of charge. Or you can send your physical book to me (you have to pay the shipping), and I’ll sign it for you and send it back. Please let me know if you are shipping it to me. I can handle shipping costs back to you for the first 100 people who want me to sign the book. I will always pay to sign a bookplate.
  4. Another option, if you’d like me to sign it: Invite me to your book club, or create a book club! A book club is basically a bunch of friends who want to read my book and have a party with refreshments. I’ll bring a cool Middle Eastern recipe from my upcoming ebook, which will feature recipes from the Middle East and the Southern states (in honor of my novel’s characters) for our enjoyment. I’m also happy to read an excerpt there and answer any and all questions about my writing process, the novel, or publishing in general.
  5. I have three different online events to launch the novel:
I’ll be on Facebook Live on August 2, 2017 to read a page or two and answer your questions.
I’ll be on at 1 pm EDT and again at 7 pm EDT. How do you find this Facebook Live? Follow me on my business page, and you’ll get an invitation and a reminder. Surprise package of free gifts for one lucky person who’ll be entered in a drawing!
I’ll also be participating in two joint Facebook Launches with fellow coaches. We’ll be talking about relationships: dating, marrying at an older age, communication, cross-cultural relationship dynamics (if your spouse or partner is from another culture), and much more!
Friday is my birthday, so come help me celebrate! Any and all conversation and questions welcomed! Cool prizes for those of you who post: TWO print signed copies of my book with an essential oil and note from me (one for you, one for a friend), a free coaching call or zoom session with me, and at the August 6 session, I’ll give away a free Kindle Fire!
Again, thank you for helping me fulfill a long-held dream. It’s YOU that has made this novel a success! Sending much affection and gratitude!
What You Can Do To Support Differences

As I’ve been speaking, people ask me how they can help, what they can do, to unite a nation, and world, that sometimes seems so divided. Here’s what I tell them: 1. Invite a person of another culture to your home. 2. If a person from another culture moves into your neighborhood, throw them…[ Read The Blog Post ]


My novel The Shores of Our Souls can now be ordered at and  Here’s the Amazon link:


Come join me at my next book signing on Sunday, August 13, 2017 @10 am – Noon! It’s a nice excuse to come to Long Beach Island on the Jersey Shore!
Kathy Ramsperger
Kathy Ramsperger