Washed by a Beach is the story of how a young teenage girl and her mother escaped the abuse they were going through from their father/husband and then went on to build a new life. It chronicles the struggles as well as the triumphs of starting over after leaving everything behind.
Lisa Hussey Reinhard is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but grew up in Louisville, Kentucky and Kansas City, Missouri. She graduated magna cum laude from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas and earned a Master’s in education from Texas A & M /Commerce. She has been an elementary, middle school, and college teacher for over thirty years. She is the author of three unique works: Unbreakable Will, the story of her father’s coming-of-age adventure of living on the rails during the Depression; Washed by a Beach, an empowering and encouraging story for young adults and adults alike who are being and/or have been abused emotionally, mentally, or physically; and Psalms for the Single Mom, a compilation of validating, soul-searching psalms from her heart during a time of transition after divorce raising three young boys. All are works of exemplary writing that will stay with you forever. www.lisareinhard.com All are published by Argus Publishing www.a-argusbooks.com Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com