Argus Publishing takes on Daniel C. Lorti’s sequel to The Avignon Legacy, Knights of Honor!
Although Knights of Honor could be considered a stand-alone novel, it picks up where Sir Jean Termonde and Sir Maurice Chatillon left off, two decorated knights of valor who saved the Vatican in Avignon who continue to discover adventure and disorder on missions for the French Crown. Comradery turns much more serious as Sir Maurice is passed the torch of governing Arles, France as mayor, while Sir Jean is appointed ambassador of France in a not so peaceful Italy. Intriguing politics, including Italian city-states vying for territory, a battle royal for control of Southern Italy led by an Avignon pope-sponsored French force, a war with England, and an increasing pirate threat in the Mediterranean are only the beginning. Sir Jean navigates the turbulent times with daring initiatives and bold tact with Sir Maurice, aided by Captain Axe, a dashing English captain turned French privateer, a legendary mercenary, a Roman cardinal, and a novice spy.
Daniel C. Lorti is the author of a number of novels including The Avignon Legacy, a historical fiction account of a missing medieval treasure, and The Missing Factor – A Jim Factor Novel, which embodies his professional background in a suspense thriller. Knights of Honor is the sequel to The Avignon Legacy. In the works are The Business End, the second in the Jim Factor Novels, and The Mulligan. He is a member of the Historical Writers of America and the Mystery Writers of America. An aerospace engineer with sensors, weapons, and intelligence background, he was the Chief Radar Engineer for the Northrop Grumman Corporation and on President Clinton’s twenty-member committee for Trade and Investment in Northern Ireland. A former international arms broker, he conducted business in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. During his career, he with partners sold a successful aerospace company to the Northrop Grumman Corporation. He currently resides in Newport Beach, California. Lorti is represented by Loiacono Literary Agency and published by Argus Publishing.