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Persistence U with Lizbeth – Bracha Goetz

Persistence U with Lizbeth – Bracha Goetz

The Goetz Bookshop

As a Harvard graduate, Bracha could have worked in any number of high-paying fields. But she longed to make a difference in the lives of young people and became a prolific children’s author.

You will learn:

Creating books for children that would have helped Bracha when she was young, dealing with eating disorders, has created opportunities for her to enrich the lives of her grandchildren and other readers by introducing her Jewish faith.

Many of us  try to fill our empty feelings inside, often with external things like food or substances, which Bracha says will never satisfy the inner longings of the soul.

Author bio

Bracha Goetz is the Harvard-educated author of 40 books that help children’s souls shine and a candid memoir for adults about overcoming food addictions joyfully and spiritually.  Her books can be found at

Bracha Goetz can be contacted for presentations at [email protected].


Open Road Integrated Media has just released Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ Havah’s Journey Trilogy

For Immediate Release:

Open Road Integrated Media has just released Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’
Havah’s Journey trilogyPlease Say Kaddish For Me, From Silt and Ashes, and As One Must, One Can and coffee table companion book A Stone for the Journey.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’s Havah’s Journey trilogy of life before, during, and after the Jewish pogroms in Russia circa 1890 + is a distinct portrait of what families endured.


The first in the series, Please Say Kaddish For Me, introduces us to a young Havah whose family was brutally murdered, their home burned around them. Fleeing only in her shift, in feet of snow and ice, she escapes to a nearby village, to a synagogue for refuge. This begins a new chapter of the rest of her life. The characters become real to the reader; you make them your friends, your family.


In From Silt and Ashes, leaving loved ones and friends behind, Havah and a few relatives and friends escape the marauding horde in Russia, seeking safety in the United States of America. But even in America, the land of the free, there is bias, discrimination, hatred, and mayhem.


As One Must, One Can sees Havah Gitterman, her husband Arel, their children, and surviving family and friends settled into their lives in America, with the turmoil and persecution of Eastern Europe behind them. Or is it? Although physically safe in their adopted country, the ghosts of the dead and the horrors of the past still haunt them.

While everything is up to date in 1908 Kansas City, bigotry and religious discrimination abound. Havah faces each challenge, emotional or physical, with courage, determination, and her father’s voice ever reminding her, “As one must, one can.”

A Stone for the Journey is a walk-through of characters, from each book, from each heart-wrenching story. A picture is truly worth a thousand + words. Twinkling eyes, crinkled creases, and depictions of expression show you who they were.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

“Startlingly new! Wonderfully different!” boasted the advertisements for the 1953 Chevrolet sedan. Much to the chagrin of her brother Jeff, Rochelle made her entrance into the world the same year her parents purchased their first car. Growing up in Kansas City, she doesn’t remember wanting to be anything other than an artist. Her mother would bemoan the fact with, “Thanks to Rochelle, I can’t find a clean sheet of paper in this house.”

Early on, Rochelle’s love of the arts extended to writing. At age nine she had a poem entitled “The Girl with the Dolls” printed in a magazine. While excited to see her name in black and white, she wasn’t thrilled with the way her grandmother, a widely published poet in New York, saw fit to edit it.

Kansas City native Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is a woman of Jewish descent — the granddaughter of Eastern European immigrants — whose close personal connection to Jewish history is a recurring theme throughout much of her writing. Growing up, she was heavily influenced by the Sholom Aleichem stories as well as Fiddler on the Roof. Her novels were born of her desire to share the darker side of these beloved tales, and the history that can be difficult to view, much less embrace.

Before becoming an author, Rochelle attended the Kansas City Art Institute, where she studied painting and lithography. Her preferred media are pen and ink, pencil, and watercolor, which she uses in her book covers, character studies, and in her companion coffee table book, A Stone for the Journey.

Rochelle’s short story “Savant” was published in Voices, Vol. III; “The Swimming Lesson,” in Echoes of the Ozarks, Vol. VI; and “Reap the Whirlwind” in Voices, Volume IV. Two of these are included in her own short story collection, with original artwork, This, That and Sometimes the Other (High Hill Press).

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields also does Portraits by Commission. Send her photos and commission her to do paintings for you. Rochelle’s Art  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields – Addicted to Purple  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Books  Rochelle’s Art   Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Art and Blogs  Wisoff-Fields Events  Wisoff-Fields Media  Facebook Author Page  Return Again 1930

Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency

W&B Publishing acquires The Neptune Project by Dan Lorti, the Fourth in the Jean Termonde novels!

W&B Publishing acquires The Neptune Project by Dan Lorti, the Fourth in the Jean Termonde novels!

Four adventurous men undertake the challenge of building an armed merchant ship, the Neptune, three times larger than any other of the time, to compete with the powerful Venice fleet for prized trade in the East. They will encounter the sea power and vengeance of Venice who will attempt to capture or sink the Neptune. Meanwhile, the ambitious Spanish navy wants the ship for its own and is prepared to field a squadron of warships to intercept and take possession of the ship as well. They must find a way to even the odds in the battle to overcome the treachery and greed of these formidable threats.

A writer of mainly factual and historical fiction, Daniel C. Lorti is the author of the Jean Termonde NovelsThe Avignon LegacyKnights of Honor, Knights in Action, and The Neptune Project; the Jim Factor NovelsThe Missing F_ctor and The Business End, which embody Lorti’s professional background as an arms broker in outstanding suspense thrillers; The Mulligan, a parody on do-overs/second chances, which includes part of his A Two-Man Play – An Interview with Bobby Jones, Jr.; and The Writer’s Tool Box, a clear, concise, and inclusive guide for aspiring, beginning, or accomplished writers in all facets of creating, sustaining, and completing a first draft. It provides a step-by-step description with examples of the major phases right up to the finished manuscript. Suggestions and recommendations concerning the next phase include external review, finding an agent, and promoting your accomplishment. All published by W&B Publishing, except The Missing F_ctor, which has been recently acquired by Open Road Integrated Media and will be given new life December 6, 2022.

An aerospace engineer with sensors, weapons, and intelligence background, he was the Chief Radar Engineer for the Northrop Grumman Corporation and was on President Clinton’s twenty-member committee for Trade and Investment in Northern Ireland. A former international arms broker, he conducted business in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. During his career, he, with partners, sold a successful aerospace company to the Northrop Grumman Corporation. A member of Mystery Writers of America, the Historical Writers of America, and the International Thriller Writers, he currently resides in Newport Coast, California. Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency


Open Road releases four Fite novels

Open Road Publishing has just released Ginny Fite’s four Sam Lagarde Mystery novels: Cromwell’s Folly, No Good Deed Left Undone, Lying, Cheating, and Occasionally Murder, and No End of BadSelect any novel for details.


A journalist by profession, Ginny Fite is the author of five novels published by Open Road Publishing: Cromwell’s Folly, No Good Deed Left Undone, Lying, Cheating, and Occasionally Murder, and No End of Bad, and one by Black Opal Books Blue Girl on a Night Dream Sea, in addition to three collections of poetry, and a self-published humorous book on aging, I Should Be Dead by Now. Many of her stories have been published in literary journals. With degrees from Rutgers University and Johns Hopkins University, she has also studied at the School for Women Healers and the Maryland Poetry Therapy Institute. She is a member of Thriller Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, Women’s Fiction Writers Association, the Maryland Writers Association and The Writer’s Center. She is currently working on a paranormal murder mystery. Born in L.A., brought up in New Jersey, long-time Maryland resident, she now lives in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency

CallumConnects Podcast – Bracha Goetz – My biggest hurdle as an entrepreneur.

CallumConnects Podcast

Bracha Goetz – My biggest hurdle as an entrepreneur.

Bracha Goetz is the Harvard-educated Author of 40 books that help children’s souls shine.


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