The Mobile Writers’ Guild and the Mobile Public Library present the Mobile Literary Festival on October 15, 2016, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Ben May Main Library, 701 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama. The festival will offer readers and writers a day packed with literary entertainment including a local author showcase and book sale, creative writing and publishing workshops, and a panel discussion on the publishing industry lead by award-winning author Jodie Cain Smith. Thom Gossom, Jr., the first black athlete to graduate from Auburn University, will offer the keynote address, which is sponsored by AT&T. Award-winning author Watt Key, local publishers Deer Hawk Publications, Negative Capability Press, and Excalibur Press, and many local and regional authors are scheduled to appear. Patrons are encouraged to bring a sack lunch for the Brown Bag Poetry Lunch & Listen. Free & open to the public. No registration necessary. For more details, including a complete schedule, visit