This is the junk that Big Pharma and our government approved to put in the experimental jabs to control us.

Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember? — Mark 8:18 Yes, Jesus was talking about Himself, but we are His Children. We must see and hear!

This is the junk that Big Pharma and our government approved to put in the experimental jabs to control us. DOCTORS AROUND THE WORLD ARE SPEAKING OUT Nano Particles – Dancing Hydro Gel – Graphene Oxide ( black goo ) that coats the Red Blood Cells making it harder for them to absorb Oxygen – 5 G Micro Chip technology that sends data up to the satellites as the cells deteriorate and Die – Spike Proteins that cause Blood Clots & Heart Attacks , Inflammation of the Brain , Strokes & Seizures , a constant attack to destroy the Immune System – Snake Venom and Metal Particles found in 1.2 Million doses in Japan – Embalmers everywhere report finding Large Fibrous Strands growing in the Major Arteries blocking the Blood Circulation causing Sudden Death – Sodium Azide, a Poison being found on the swabs of Home Test Kits , just like the rigged results of the PCR Test where healthy people are testing Positive – Now , Traces of Mercury have been found in the Winter Flu Shots ! Nuremberg Code 2.0 = Crimes Against Humanity for the Use of Bio Weapons. War Criminals that need to be arrested and taken for Military Tribunals at GITMO THIS MUST NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN = IN GOD WE TRUST